Your Schedule and Credit Card Bills: A Factual Report of Your Current Priorities

In our fast-paced lives, time and money are two precious resources that define our everyday choices. Finding out where we spend our time and spending can provide a revealing glimpse into our priorities.

From balancing work and personal commitments to our spending habits, these two aspects reflect the core values and interests that shape our lives. In this blog post, we'll explore why your schedule and credit card bills serve as factual reports of your current priorities, shedding light on the choices you make and the life you lead. We’ll include some questions for your self-assessment, which might be useful for your own monthly review as well.

Time Allocation: A Reflection of Priorities

Our schedules are a reflection of how we prioritize our time. The activities we choose to engage in and the commitments we make uncover our true values. Consider the following questions:

  1. How do you allocate time between work, family, friends, hobbies, and self-care per month?

  2. Do you dedicate time to pursue personal passions and interests?

  3. Is work overshadowing other important aspects of your life?

Analyzing your schedule will provide valuable insights into the areas where you allocate the most time and, consequently, reveal your current priorities. If the data is off-balance from what you’d wish for, it’s time to adjust and plan better for next month! Set boundaries to protect the things that are most precious to you, even your boss or your parents can’t cross that line!

Financial Habits: A Window into Your Values

Our credit card bills offer a close-up view of our spending habits, financial responsibility, and the things we truly value. By examining your credit card debts and categorizing your expenses, patterns emerge that reflect where your money goes. Consider these aspects:

  1. Are you spending more on material possessions (e.g. handbags, watches, cars, etc.) or experiences (e.g. travel, fine dining, parties, etc.)?

  2. Do you prioritize self-improvement, education, or personal growth?

  3. Are you investing in your health and well-being?

  4. Are you investing in your future?

  5. Ask the “why” behind each spending record. Are they a “need” or “want”?

These financial choices paint a clear picture of the priorities driving your spending habits. There’s nothing wrong if you treasure material possessions or splurge on fine-dining experiences, as long as you have automated all savings (e.g. kids’ education, retirement income, etc.), investments, and debt repayments.

Also, identify the ONE area that you truly value - one that is so valuable that you believe there shouldn’t be a maximum budget. It might be healthy foods for some people like they only buy the freshest organic vegetables for the family. For myself, it’s definitely books and courses for self-improvement - this is where I find true joy when I can equip myself to help more people. What’s yours?

Aligning Priorities for a Fulfilling Life

Understanding the relationship between your schedule and credit card bills can help you identify any discrepancies or areas that require adjustment. Here are some steps to consider:

  1. Self-reflection: Take a moment to introspect and evaluate whether your current priorities truly align with your values and long-term goals.

  2. Establish clear goals: Define your priorities and create actionable steps to achieve them. The good old S.M.A.R.T. Goals work very well.

  3. Reassess time and financial allocation: Analyze your schedule and credit card bills to determine if adjustments are needed to better align your actions with your priorities.

  4. Make conscious choices: Going forward, make intentional decisions that reflect your true passions and values in both your schedule and spending habits.

  5. Seek support: Consider seeking guidance from a mentor, financial advisor, or life coach to help you align your priorities effectively.


Your schedule and credit card bills are not just mundane aspects of daily life; they're insightful reports that reveal your current priorities. By analyzing how you allocate your time and money, you gain a clearer understanding of what truly matters to you. Aligning your schedule and credit card bills with your authentic values allows for a more meaningful and fulfilling life. So, take a moment to reflect, make conscious choices, and shape your priorities in a way that brings you closer to the life you desire. Remember, your choices are a powerful statement of who you are and what you value most. 80/20 rule rules!

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